

Hello!  I'm Heather and I am so glad you are here!  I am the wife of a soon-to-be-dentist, and the mother of two beautiful children.  I am so lucky to be able to stay home with them!  

I have always been an awful cook.  In fact, when my husband and I were first married, I burned spaghetti.  It's true.  That really did happen.  On our first Valentine's Day together, I burned a box of Rice-A-Roni so badly that I had to throw our brand new, wedding-gift-pan in the garbage.  Our apartment smelled for a week.  Flash forward 3 years from that, and I was beginning my journey as a stay at home mom.  I was determined to become better in the kitchen.  And I did...but only slightly and only when it came to certain meals.  In January 2011, I set out to create a one week menu plan including all brand new recipes in order to expand my very limited recipe library.  I did, and it was awesome.  Every meal was a success.  One week turned into two, two weeks turned into three, and before I knew it, four months had passed and I had not repeated a meal.  I fell in love with food blogs, cookbooks and the kitchen aisle at every store we entered.  My love for cooking, creating, and sharing food has only grown in the last 2 years, but I still have a long way to go.  So here I am...ready to share my journey and the things I learn.  I have a little family with simple taste and I don't like to waste, so the recipes I share will always have easy to find ingredients and uncomplicated instructions.  

Welcome to my simple and completely unsophisticated kitchen, and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hi, I'm a new follower and found you through six sisters! You have an honest approach to cooking, and I love that! Very nice and creative blog.

    So glad I found you!

  2. Just found your website by the country cook website of your bbq chicken pizza! Can't wait to try it.


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